The Complete Guide to Rhinoplasty: Steps, Procedures, and Recovery | Closed, Open and Augmentation Nose Job Surgery | Zurich
We are here to help you in Rhinoplasty. A more beautiful version of your present nose.
What are the steps of a rhinoplasty procedure?
There are numerous methods for enhancing the appearance of the nose. Some of them necessitate surgery, while others can be accomplished with a nonsurgical nose job. There are two approaches to surgical rhinoplasty: open and closed procedures.
Sedation and local anesthesia
This sort of anesthesia is typically utilized as an outpatient procedure. It just affects one part of your body. A pain reliever is injected into your nasal tissues, and you are sedated with drugs given through an intravenous line. This makes you drowsy but not completely asleep. The medicine (anesthetic) is administered either orally or by a tiny tube inserted into a vein in your hand, neck, or chest. General anesthesia affects the entire body, rendering you unconscious throughout operation. A breathing tube is required for general anesthesia.
Getting ready for surgery
The regulations that must be followed prior to the procedure. The patient arrives at the hospital at the time specified by the doctor before to operation.
Blood tests and biochemical testing are measured as well as pulse, blood pressure, and body temperature measurements.
Preparation for nose job surgery commences if the measurement findings are satisfactory.
For 3D modeling and simulation, photos are taken of the nose from the front, top, bottom, and sides. At the end of the procedure, an image similar to the target image is obtained. This image not only enhances the patient's expectations, but it also advises the physician throughout operation.
The patient is given anesthesia.
Local anaesthetic assisted by sedation (application that prolongs the duration of anesthetic and relaxes the patient) is used for basic operations that will not take too long. However, during rhinoplasty, general anesthesia is usually employed. The procedure is completed in 2 to 3 hours.
Rhinoplasty surgery does not have a set order of steps. Rhinoplasty surgery can be performed in two ways: open or closed. Both strategies are summarized here.
Surgery for open rhinoplasty
It is performed by making a little incision between the nostrils in the bottom portion of the nose. The surgeon can see more clearly thanks to the opening of this section.
It is the most popular rhinoplasty technique. It is used in situations of significant structural abnormalities or when rhinoplasty surgery, also known as revision rhinoplasty, has previously been attempted but failed. A V-shaped incision is created on the underside of the structure between the nostrils in this surgical approach. During open rhinoplasty surgery, the bones, cartilage, and muscles of the nose are visible, and the surgeon has a wider field of vision. The technique, however, takes longer than closed rhinoplasty. Edema and bruising on the nose also fade over time. A scar remains on the skin as a result of the incision produced with this method, however it is not very visible.
In general, the operations carried out during the operation are as follows.
- Modifying the nose ridge
When the nasal bridge is operated on, the physician removes the bone and cartilage that is producing the hump. The nose may then be fractured so that the leftover bone fragments may be pushed closer together to narrow the nose
- Altering the nose's tip
If the tip of the nose is being operated on, the cartilage that forms the support under the tip must be removed or altered in part. This can be accomplished by either closed or open rhinoplasty.
- Adjusting the length of the nose
Your surgeon will modify and shorten the septum to assist decrease the tip and shorten the nose overall. Adjusting the cartilage at the tip of the nose can also help to shorten it.
- Changing the nose's width
By fracturing and rearranging the bone, your surgeon can narrow the nose and make it smaller.
- Increasing the bridge of the nose or the tip of the nose
Surgeons can alter the shape of a 'flat' bridge or tip with bone, cartilage, or an implant. This is known as augmentation rhinoplasty or extra rhinoplasty. The bone or cartilage utilized can be from the nose (the nasal bone or septum) or from elsewhere, such as the rib, hip, or ear.
- Altering the septum
If an accident flattens your nose, the septum may buckle, making breathing difficult. This can be carried out concurrently with open rhinoplasty procedure or as a separate operation.
Surgery for closed rhinoplasty
It is preferred in basic straightforward operations. An incision of 3-4 cm is done on the interior of the nose for closed rhinoplasty. The treatments will be carried out without elevating the nose. Closed rhinoplasty surgery involves doing procedures through the opening hole. It is less invasive than open rhinoplasty and requires less recovery time because the tip of the nose is not opened. The operation is more challenging than open rhinoplasty since features like as cartilage and bone are not readily visible. While it is simple to process a blood vessel during open rhinoplasty, it is far more complicated in closed rhinoplasty. There are no stitches on the outside of the nose following the procedure with this approach.
The patient is admitted to the hospital on the same day and is discharged the next day
The complexity of the nose job operation is determined by the severity and quantity of structural defects in the nose, the technique used, and the existence of an extra treatment. The duration of the rhinoplasty procedure might range between 1 hour and 6 hours, depending on the degree of difficulty.
You'll be in a recovery room after the nose job surgery, where the nurses will monitor your return to consciousness. You might depart later that day, or you could stay overnight if you have additional health difficulties.
The patient is admitted to the hospital for one night. During this period, blood tests are conducted, measurements are taken, and painkillers are given. The patient is told about the medications that will be used, and a day is set out for the control examination.
If you want to know Who Can Benefit from Nose Job Surgery?, please visit "Who is suitable for rhinoplasty procedure".